Thursday, June 26, 2008

Censored Radio

When I was a child, as soon as I would get into my moms car I immediately started flipping through the stations to find something good.  If I came across Howard Stern cussing up a storm, talking about the way women's butts and boobs look my mother would not be happy camper.  This is why I believe that the FCC censoring terrestrial radio is a good thing.  Here is an example of why the FCC regulate what they air.  Satellite radio is like cable television, you know what you are getting.  People pay, and should pay, to have a wide variety of channels and a few promiscuous ones that might show a woman's breast if they're lucky, HBO and Showtime for example.  If parents do not want their children to hear indecent or obscene things then they should of thought of that before they purchased satellite radio.  According to this article there are an increasing amount of parents complaining of profanity, which is lame!  Satellite radio is paid for for the same reason, they have wider variety of stations and if listeners are lucky they might hear one of George Carlin's (RIP) seven filthy words you cannot say on TV.  The people that buy into cable television and satellite radio are adults, which can listen and watch these adult topics.  Terrestrial radio is free and available for everyone if they have a radio and a good antenna. This means under age people would be able to hear profanity, which is why censorship the FCC regulation is good for terrestrial radio.  

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

I'm not really sure what your point is in this post. You link to an article but don't comment on it; you say your mother would not approve of Howard Stern, but then you say parents who complain about him are lame.