Monday, June 9, 2008


Idiocracy is a film written by Mike Judge in 2006, who also wrote the well known film Office Space.   The film is yet another classic in my book and others like Josh Tyler who wrote this great review.  This film brought to it's viewers attention what our world may come to if ignorance leads our economy, in a humorous but literal point of view.  The opening scene begins with a financially stable, smart couple trying to come to an agreement of when the right time to have a child would be.  Then it cuts to a poor, ignorant couple that cannot stop breeding, bringing more ignorant people into this world.  Resulting in a long family tree of dumb people having dumb babies until the world is full of dumb people with absolutely no intelligence.  Natural selection no longer favored the intelligent.  Luke Wilson plays Joe Bauers, a not-so-smart army man, who takes part in a military experiment, which freezes him and a woman.  The base was then shut down and the frozen bodies were forgotten until they opened 500 years later.  The outcome of the world went down hill.  The landscape consisted of shopping malls and fast food chains placed in the middle of mountains made of trash and piled up cars.  The crops failed because they were watered with an energy drink called Brawndo, because "it's got what plants crave, electrolytes".  Water was only used in their toilets.  Three large companies owned everything: Brawndo (Gatorade), Costco, and Carls Jr. (their main food supply).  TV shows soon became "Ow! My Balls!" that featured guys kicking each other in the balls.  The well-known restaurant Fuddruckers became Butt:Fuckers.  Starbucks became a place for male pleasure where they order "latte's".  The president is ironically a black man.  He shoots guns in the air to get peoples attention, drinks beer and smokes cigarettes.  Joe takes an IQ test and turns out to be the smartest man in the world because everyone became illiterate.  He later became president and fixed the crops by giving them water.
  This is not the best movie as far as acting or cinematography but I think it sends a great message to it's audience.  Though it did have some controversy from Century Fox before it's release.  It had no promotions and was only shown in 125 theaters and had no screenings for critics.  They obviously did not want this movie to be seen, which I am not sure why?  They advertise the hell out of movies that have a way worse message focused to the young demographics of today, so I am not sure what is wrong with the plot if this movie.  Idiocracy is educational in the sense that it is a wake up call.  We need to keep educating ourselves so the future does not end up like this.  If you think about it, it is not that crazy.  I would not be surprised if America was exactly like this 500 years from now.  Companies are already starting to buy other companies so we are not that far off from this exaggeration of the future.  The population is at a record high, we are having issues with water, waste and pollution, which is just the mear lining of the other problems we may face.  This is a hilarious movie that gives a you a look into the future giving us the chance to change it before it is to late.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

Interesting, but what, exactly, is the great message of the movie?