Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good Night and Good Luck

    Good Night and Good Luck, a film written by George Clooney, tells a story about television broadcaster, Ed Murrow and his team at CBS, that took a stand against senator McCarthy in the 1950's when communism was at it's peak and everyone was a suspect of being one.  The question is why was this movie written today and not closer to it's time period?
    George Clooney was close to home while writing this film because his father was a news broadcaster.  The story depicted a great time in broadcast journalism and seemed to be a tribute to his father and Ed Murrow.  I believe he chose the to write this movie today to show what real investigative journalism is supposed to be like, which we are not getting today from our news broadcasting.  The broadcasting we receive on a daily basis from our regular news channels  is very minimal and you can tell that there is a lot left out in their broadcasts.  Take the war in Iraq for example, there are many missing pieces to the puzzle.  They military is closely controlling what information the media gets on the war.  So close it is like they gave up completely on trying to cover the war.  Since the war started its like stories on war have disappeared from the papers.  Alternet explains how the media abandoned Iraq.
This is very similar to what was going on during the 50s with mccarthyism. Back then a film like Good Night and Good Luck could have never been made.  Had it been back then the creators would just have been accused of being communists themselves.  Today we don't fear communism like we did back then, so Good Night and Good Luck can be made. But most importantly it can be made in a way that truly represents what was happening.

1 comment:

Lilly Buchwitz said...

Great point that if they had made the movie back then they would have been accused of being communists! I would have liked to see you develop some of your thoughts more -- like, what do you mean when you say the media abandoned Iraq?